
Pikes.io has been played 3,819 times and received a rating of 5 / 5 (100%) from 2 votes.

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Game rating: 5.00 based on 2 votes.

Home » Fun Games » Pikes.io

Pikes.io is a very entertaining and fun loving multiplayer game. The game takes its name from the character that holds a pike. The only objective of the game is to maintain the boost level by picking up colorful blocks scattered around the squared battlefield and spiking through other players. The character becomes stronger and the pike becomes longer by picking up the colorful blocks.

The larger the pike, the easier it is to kill the opponents. However, be careful of other players. They share the same objective as you do. As their pike comes in contact with your character, it dies instantly and the game ends there. To gain an extra life, you might have to watch a video to continue from where you were.

There is an option of choosing the skin of your character on the home screen. You can either change the color of the character or choose from the rest of the skins on the menu by downloading on your Android device or by liking the game on social media.

How to play?

Pikes.io is very easy to play. Press spacebar on your keyboard or left click to accelerate. The movement of the character is controlled by mouse. Your character follows the cursor.

Developed by:

The game is a project of Clown Games.

Available at:

The game can be played at any web browser and is also available at Google Play for Android users.


Walkthrough Video