Duck Life 4

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In this sequel of Duck Life 3, you first hatch your eggs and train them to compete in the tournament. Training gets you money to buy things from the ‘Shop’. The duck is very little in the beginning and has low energy levels. You can increase its energy by training and buying food. The goal is to make your duck strong enough to enter and win the tournament.


Duck Life 4 has processor sensitive graphics for slow computers. A trainer duck is assigned to you for guiding you through the training process. During a training session, you have to race the other ducks. You win money by winning the race. Your credit is mentioned at the top left corner of the screen.

After strengthening your duck, you can enter a tournament that consists of three races. You can use one duck for each race if you have three ducks at the time. There are winners and runner ups at the end of the tournament. Points are earned on the basis of secured position.

How To Play

This is a relatively easy game to play. Firstly, train your duck by racing with other ducks. You just have to click on the other duck to start a race. The duck with most energy automatically wins the race. After entering the competition, follow the guidelines in the game.

Walkthrough Video