Duck Life 5

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Home » Fun Games » Duck Life 5

In this game, you are one of the adventurers who have come to explore the volcano looking for a treasure. Supposedly, there are treasures inside the cave and ducks from all around the world have come to this town on a treasure hunt.


You can customize your duck according to your likes. Change its eyes, hair, color, and clothes without spending any money. After entering the game, a duck gives you an intro of the town. You can also buy pets from the pet store that could help you in the cave.

There are several challenges – Stretch Yourself, Gold Rush, Lucky Ducky and Chasing Pavements. Each challenge is won by earning a specified number of coins. The duck dies after hitting obstacles placed along the way.

The difficulty level is different in each challenge. Fire breathing birds, jumping balls of fire, and slanting stone lines are some of the examples of obstacles that have to be avoided. You can earn money by touching the coins appearing in the game.

How To Play

A fairly simple-looking, yet difficult game to play! The duck goes forward by itself, but you can click on the screen to make it jump. Follow the instructions given along the way and avoid the obstacles to win the challenges.

Walkthrough Video