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Home » Shooting Games » Diggerz.io

Diggerz.io is an entertaining and action-packed web browser game. Diggerz can fall into the category of a 2D battle royale shooter. The game Diggerz has a side-scrolling format, which is unique in battle royale games. It looks very similar to another world-famous online game, “Worms.” This game has many elements we love from battle royale games, like the shrinking world, fast-paced action, and exploration. It came out in September 2018.

Diggerz.io is a fantastic battle royale style game, with features like digging and building. Build blocks to defend yourself by creating barriers and dig tunnels into shocking attack your enemies. By digging, you can also find new and better weapons and equipment. These weapons will help you become the last man standing and conquer the arena leading you to win the game. It is not an easy game to win because it takes a while getting used to the gameplay and the game strategy. However, once you are aware of the in-game scenarios and get familiar with the cat and mouse survival theme of the game, it becomes easier to master.

The graphics give off a retro vibe and are pixelated, overall giving a charming and unique look. These retro graphics are a treat for the die-hard gamer as a healthy dose of nostalgia.  The gameplay is chaotic, fast-paced, and extremely fun. It’s an epic game of survival with guns and explosives. The characters in the game are doable to attract users and enhance their experience. It is easy to associate yourself with them.

As the game starts, you get a set of different weapons. You start with a pistol, the most basic gun and five bombs in the shape of an RPG. Apart from that you also have a pickaxe which can is for digging. The total inventory space is of 24 slots and reminds you of Minecraft. You can collect blocks of different materials which help in your defenses. This integration of techniques from different popular games is what makes Diggerz and its gaming experience stand out. This combination is another reason why the game is so addictive to play.

The game has two different modes the first one being the typical battle royale mode, last person standing wins. The other method is known as “free dig,” this game mode can also be seen as a practice area. You can dig for supplies until your heart’s content, they can even be used in the other game mode.

How to play Diggerz.io?

The controls for the game are rather easy to remember and use the mid-game. To move, press AD or left/right arrow. Press W or Up arrow to jump in the game and press the left arrow to dig. That is it, straightforward controls for such an immersive game.

Strategies to use

  • Collect better weapons first. The pistol you get in the start is decent but, there other better weapons. Dig around to find the very best to take out your enemies.
  • Be aggressive. The gameplay is super-fast and will reward you for playing in such a manner.


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