has been played 8,216 times and received a rating of 4.42 / 5 (89%) from 31 votes.

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Game rating: 4.42 based on 31 votes.

Home » Fun Games » is a physics based multiplayer game, which allows up to eight players go head to head and knock each other off the edge. The last player remaining wins the game.


One of the best features of is the option of creating your own level. You can be as creative as you want but if you don’t feel like doing the hard work, choose from the thousands of levels other players have created. To prevent boredom, the game gets constant updates, and new features are added time by time to keep the user base healthy and thriving.

How to Play

The game is controlled via arrow keys on your keyboard, while the ‘X’ key is used to make yourself heavier allowing you to brace for impact from a collision. However using the X key also has a downside; being heavier means it’s that much more difficult to maneuver around the level. The Game’s quick play feature lets you join the game immediately or you can setup your own game according to your liking. Anyway, Bonkio game is full of fun and a great way to pass your idle time.


Walkthrough Video