Riddle School 5

Riddle School 5 has been played 5,399 times and received a rating of 3.75 / 5 (75%) from 4 votes.

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Home » Fun Games » Riddle School 5

Riddle School 5 is the fifth installment of the series. The objective of the game is to get out of the school premises and go free. The game, although, is comprised of minimal hand drawn graphics but is very engaging, thanks to its game play which capitalizes on player’s curiosity.


Riddle School 5 is a simple point and click type game. You must discover clues hidden in changing scenes and surroundings, pick up items and store them in inventory to be used later. Sometimes, an item picked up in one scene may seem irrelevant but that could be crucial to unlocking further levels in the game.

How to Play

There is no intricate control schematics to go through. As mentioned before, it’s a simple point and click game played entirely using the mouse. Hovering the mouse pointer over certain items might render them interactive and even observable. There are dialog boxes which need to be clicked to advance in the game. Moreover, there’s an inventory, which is always accessible, and can store items crucial to the game.

Walkthrough Video