
Pacxon has been played 13,650 times and received a rating of 4.8 / 5 (96%) from 5 votes.

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Game rating: 4.80 based on 5 votes.

Home » Fun Games » Pacxon

It’s okay every once in a while, some of us are going to miss Pacman. The original game was iconic and still has a massive fan following to this day. That following has led to several spin-offs releasing. Some of those are official title but you’ll find a few hidden gems in the fan made series. Pacxon is one of those hidden gems.

The game takes the familiar pacman aesthetic and gives it an entirely new spin. The characters and sprites are the same but the objective of the game is entirely different. Instead of navigating through a maze, you must capture territory now. It’s super simple and a lot of fun to play.

How to play Pacxon?

You’re in control of pacman and you start out with a completely blank space. As you cover distance you mark territory behind yourself.

Walkthrough Video