Red Ball

Red Ball has been played 15,802 times and received a rating of 4.2 / 5 (85%) from 30 votes.

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Game rating: 4.20 based on 30 votes.

Home » Fun Games » Red Ball

The red ball is a simple and pleasant game, which would be loved by kids. Roll the ball over the bridges with slow speed to make sure it doesn’t fall from the gaps between. Pass the spaces between bridges up in the sky and take the ball to the level’s end. Easy instructions and bright illustrations make sure you enjoy playing it.


Follow the route and make sure you don’t drop the ball, otherwise it gets scattered into multiple small balls after falling from the height. The game contains 17 levels and the first few are quite easy, but it gets tough as you continue playing and move on to higher levels. The platform and huge hanging balls make it challenging for a player to finish these levels. You can have many attempts at the same level after falling off and missing the bridge.

How to Play

Use the arrow keys to move the ball right and left. Control the movement by pressing opposite direction key and to stop the ball from falling off. Use the upper arrow key to jump the ball. The game can be paused using ‘P’ button.


Walkthrough Video