
GunBlood has been played 6,501 times and received a rating of 4 / 5 (80%) from 12 votes.

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Home » Shooting Games » GunBlood

GunBlood is a western shootout game that tests players’ reflexes by pitting them against other gamers. Pick from one of the ten available characters and take part in an extremely addicting reaction based duel. After each win, you are faced with better and tougher opponents until all nine rounds are over.


GunBlood is a free to play browser based game and all you need to play it is an internet connection and a browser with flash player plugin installed. The controls are intuitive, simple, and work really well with its adrenalin pumping fast paced gameplay.

How to Play

The goal of the game is simply to survive nine rounds of intense shootouts against other players. In each round, you are given six bullets only to exhaust your opponents’ life bar. You progress to the next level by killing your adversary, however if you are killed during any of the nine rounds, the game is over and you have to start again. Quick reflexes are a must to be successful in GunBlood, as you would want to shoot your rival as fast as possible once the timer starts. Furthermore, aiming for vital body parts like head is imperative to deal massive damage and take out your enemies quickly.

Walkthrough Video